We are Violet.
A revolution in women’s breast health.
We know you’ve got a lot on your plate.
It’s no secret that women juggle many responsibilities and face a variety of challenges–but monthly breast pain shouldn’t be one of them. We know that the world needs women to stand up, do their best work and take a seat at the table – or better yet, build their own.
You got this. We got you.
Hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, and prolactin can spike during monthly cycles. This, in combination with iodine deficiency, can disrupt the natural life and death cycle of breast cells. Too many breast cells in the mix can cause some major discomfort, including (but not limited to) breast tenderness, aches, heaviness, and swelling.
What are PMS breasts?
Period-related breast discomfort is a reality for half of women ages 15-49.
The tenderness, aches, swelling and heaviness you feel before (and often during) your period is real. These are symptoms of fibrocystic breasts, a condition many of us call “PMS breasts” because it coincides with other menstrual-related discomforts. Some even experience acute pain caused by high levels of the hormones, estrogen and prolactin. Breast cells then build up month after month with each menstrual cycle. This buildup results in swollen breast tissue, which can develop into lumps and masses that put pressure on surrounding nerves. The end result: painful boobs that can interfere significantly with clothing selection, routine social activities, exercise, and yes, even sex.
Violet is designed to remove cyclical breast pain from the equation by treating the cause instead of the symptoms. Our patented OTC formula combines two types of iodine to help restore the natural balance.
Like a daily vitamin for your overall health, Violet is a daily supplement for the health of your breasts.
The two key ingredients in Violet are iodine and selenium, and the unique molecular iodine structure targets breast tissue to reduce swelling. Not only can this first-of-its-kind formula alleviate breast discomfort, but it has also been shown to promote overall breast health.
Clinical trials show that 74% of women experienced significant improvement in their breast discomfort after taking Violet for 60 days.