We Hear it Often, “My Boobs Hurt”
Breast pain. That annoying symptom that for millions comes around once a month along with your menstrual cycle. Many of us have just accepted this as being the norm. That hey, it’s just part of being a woman and part of our cycle, right? But what if we told you it didn’t have to be that way? Breast pain is something that we’ve all probably experienced at one point or another. Many times, it’s the result of puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, or even menopause. But, in rare instances it could be due to something more serious – and we encourage you to always check with your healthcare provider whenever you notice changes in your body. Benign breast conditions include both cyclic mastalgia and fibrocystic breast conditions that could make your boobs hurt.
But what does breast pain really mean?
Cyclic mastalgia is pain that increases during a woman’s menstrual cycle. Most women report having symptoms every month in the days or even weeks leading up to the onset of their periods, and experience relief only after their period begins. The pain associated with CM may be in one or both breasts, and can range in severity from woman to woman, and month to month; meaning that some months the pain may be mild, whereas others it may be more severe.
Fibrocystic breast condition (FBC) has been linked to an imbalance of hormone levels such as progesterone, estrogen, and prolactin. This imbalance, along with iodine deficiency, causes cell growth in the breast tissue to exceed natural cell turnover, and becomes more severe with time. Typically, symptoms include light to severe swelling, aches, tenderness, and heaviness that can be felt anywhere from the breast to the underarm area. FBC is also characterized by fluid filled cysts that may become more tender throughout the menstrual cycle, and are commonly felt as bumpy lumps during a breast self-exam.
If you’ve experienced CM or FBC it doesn’t mean that there’s no hope in sight. We as women know all too well that sometimes, in order to overcome a problem, we have to be proactive in finding a solution. Violet Iodine was created for women who experience these symptoms and are ready to take their lives back. Molecular iodine has been proven effective in reducing and destroying symptoms of breast pain and PMS breasts associated with your menstrual cycle. No prescription is needed, and it’s as easy as taking a daily vitamin. Learn more about how iodine can help prevent unwanted breast pain, boost breast health, and how Violet wants to help.