Welcome to Summer – Welcome to Freedom!
At Violet we support women’s health in all forms. We not only want you to have healthy breasts, but also healthy homes, emotional and spiritual health, fulfilling jobs and hobbies, and the freedom to realize your dreams. Welcome to Summer, welcome to freedom!
This month we want to focus on carefree living and how to enjoy a life where worries do not overwhelm you. We want to encourage you and help you find ways to get active, manage your stress, and stay carefree while you build a life that is full of joy and freedom.
Pain-Free Living
Being fully WOMAN is to welcome freedom, enjoy the gifts you were given, and to live the life you choose. However, sometimes pain gets in the way of that enjoyment and living pain-free can be an obstacle you have to surmount. So this Summer welcome freedom – freedom from breast pain. That’s where Violet comes in!
A Pain-Free Carefree Life
The Violet daily pill is a solution to monthly breast pain. To kick off your summer, we would love to offer you 25% off your first order of our unique Iodine supplement that has been proven to reduce breast pain within 30 to 60 days*. Visit our website at violetdaily.com to learn more and start your summer on the road toward carefree, pain-free living!
Welcome Summer – Welcome Freedom with Carefree Living
Carefree people are usually noticeably happier than other people. Some people think that happiness is the result of life circumstances. However, research shows that people who put joy first in their lives actually experience more happiness than people who don’t.
Aspects of Carefree Living
How do we cultivate an attitude that promotes joy and makes us worry free?
- Keep your work time and personal time separate
This is a challenge for all of us (especially those of us who are business owners), learning to turn it off is a key element of your freedom. There is a time for work, there is a time for play, and there is a time for you and your family. So practice good time management and learn to draw boundaries between work and your personal life. - Socialize with fun people
Other people’s energy can have an effect on you. Therefore, it’s important to socialize with people who are like-spirited and as interested in living a joyful, carefree life as you! - Turn chores into adventures
Whatever you do, do it 100%. Do it in the spirit of love and you will see a difference in your attitude AND in the outcome. Not everything we must do is fun, but taking care of the necessities of life with an adventurous spirit in that moment makes it much less stressful. - Go outside more
We are humans! We are built to be outside. Nature provides healing and renewal to the mind and spirit. It lowers your blood pressure and reduces stress. In fact, spending time walking among or simply looking at trees lowers blood pressure and reduces the stress-related hormones cortisol and adrenaline. We all need a daily dose of Vitamin D! - Play more
**People don’t play enough. Taking time to play is good for the heart and great for reducing stress. But play isn’t fun when you feel guilty or self-conscious about it. It’s not play if you’re holding back and looking around to see who’s pointing and laughing at you. Play must be carefree. For it to really “count,” play must be free. You have to commit to it. You can’t go out and begrudgingly toss the Frisbee around. Your body knows the difference; it can’t be tricked that easily. You have to really play. You have to give yourself over to the moment (remember, be here now). In other words, be a kid again. A kid who pays the bills, takes care of responsibilities and duties, and knows when to buckle down and do the things that matter, but a kid nonetheless. - Exercise
Playing, getting outside, and being a kid all counts for exercise, but it’s also good to get out and do some real measurable movement. Choose biking, jogging, going to aerobics or pilates classes, dancing, yoga, or lifting weights. Find the exercise that you can get into to build strength and stamina and make you strong. - Disconnect and spend some time doing nothing
Make the effort to really disconnect from electronic stimulation at least twice a day. No phones, no computers, no Facebook, no email, no television. Go for a walk on your lunch break and leave the smartphone at the desk; walk, daydream, wander, sit in a garden quietly; set a tech cut-off time before bed – at least an hour before you go to sleep; turn your phone off when you’re with people and learn to deal with a little bit of boredom! - Identify your stressors
Be mind aware and listen to your body to read the signs of stress and its triggers. It’s not as hard as it seems, but it takes practice to notice your own reactions to certain situations. When you feel stress, follow the feeling in your body to pinpoint it, recognize the moment you felt it, and ask yourself why it’s stressing you. Once you understand your stressors, you are able to manage and adjust your responses to them. - Stay ahead of anger
Like stress, you can stay ahead of anger by understanding your reaction to certain triggers. You have choices – you can walk away, or when you feel yourself getting angry or provoked, just try the 10 second rule – stop talking and just breathe for a full 10 seconds. It’s important to understand where your anger is coming from. If it’s from situations in the past, tell yourself, it’s no one’s fault (don’t play the blame game), this is now, and choose to place what you are feeling in “your compassionate past”. - Stop worrying about what other people think of you
This is a big one gals (and guys)! How long have we all struggled with this; to feel inadequate and just not pretty or handsome enough? An important part of carefree living is to embrace WHO and where you are in this moment in time. Love yourself! - Smile and laugh more
Put a smile on and have a good belly laugh and just see how great you will feel! - Don’t focus on the past or worry about the future, live in the now
This is a practice and doesn’t happen overnight, but living in the moment is the essential key to joy and the carefree life. Focusing on the past can bring depression, it is no more! Worrying about the future brings stress and anxiety, you don’t have control over what happens. Being in the present moment, or the “here and now,” means that you are taking the time to appreciate where you are, what you’re doing, and who is with you.
Embracing these characteristics of carefree living will undoubtably bring about a powerful sense of freedom in your life, the kind of freedom that brings joy and health! Carefree living goes hand in hand with pain-free breasts. When you have optimal breast health, you are happy all over!
Violet Daily – the First Step Pain-Free Breasts
Like a vitamin for your overall health, Violet is a daily supplement for breast health. The first-of-its-kind formula alleviates breast discomfort and is shown to promote overall breast health. Visit violetdaily.com to get started and receive 25% off your first order.
*Clinical trial abstract conducted for Violet.
** Mark Sisson’s new book The Primal Connection